Wednesday - 28 April 08
Hello again. Here we are day 5 in our lovely resort and boy is it gonna be hard to leave here on Saturday.
We didn't venture out today after our busy day in Chewong yesterday. We thought a day of just hangin out here is in order as we don't want to overdo it. Ha Ha!
We had the wickedest storm late last night and its been a long time since I have heard cracking thunder like that. It woke me up with the ground shaking and the lightening made it look light daylight, it was awsome! There is another storm hanging around tonight waiting to go off, I love it.
We did our usual off to breakfast at the restaurant to give the housekeepers time to service our room, not that there is much to do as we make our bed everyday and leave the card out to let them know we are happy to keep the same towels and the linen doesn't need to be changed daily. All they really need to do is take our rubbish, leave our two bottles of water they give you everyday and sweep the floor. I was good again today at breakfast and stuck to corn flakes and fresh fruit, Rick can't help himself and couldn't refuse the bacon and eggs. I know who will be joining Jenny Craig first when we get back.
We spent the morning with Rick on the net doing his stockmarket monitoring and me watching discovery channel. This arvo we thought it would be good to go for a swim in the resort pool. We didn't stay in for long as the water was hot and we would have cooked had we stayed in any longer than we did. The resort seems to be filling up on a daily basis, mainly Japanese tourists that only stay a night or two and then move on. There are only about 4 or 5 of us couples who are here for a week which is good because you get plenty of peace and privacy and the place isn't crowded with people.
We had dinner in the restaurant tonight and as usual we were the only ones there. The staff throughout the resort are all very friendly and welcoming from the receptionist to the restaurant staff. They are always asking if you are happy with your room and if the food in the restaurant was good. We have no complaints after a couple of the places we have stayed in on our travels.
Tonight is a night in watching the movie channel on cable tv and waiting for this storm to hit. Tomorrow we will venture out probably into Lamai to stock up on a few supplies to get us through until Saturday when we fly out to Chiang Mai. Yesterday i went to a Kodak shop and had 274 photos downloaded from the camera onto a disc so I could clear the internal memory and memory card. I have now worked out how to upload photos onto this blog so have added photos of the Samui Cliff View Resort where we are staying. Hope you all like them.
Until tomorrow when we catch up again. Bye!
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