Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Still in Nong Khai

Tuesday - 6 May 08

Here we are still in Nong Khai and even though its a lot quieter than Kanchanaburi with less to see and do we aren't in any hurry to leave here either but will stay probably one more day and leave Thursday for Udon Thani which is only an hour bus ride south, we will probably stay there for a couple of days before we bus it back to Bangers and then onto Jomtien Beach in Pattaya.

We have decided to alter our itinerary a little bit and drop Rayong and Koh Chang from our intinerary, which we were travelling on to from Pattaya. We will be spending time on Ko Tao island and Phi Phi island further down the track so it seems pointless to spend time on the island of Koh Chang when we can spend that extra time in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai where we will do our visa run into Myanmar. So from here we will be going to Udon Thani, Jomtien Beach, Hua Hin, Ko Tao and then up North to Chiang Mai and surrounds.

Our day today in Nong Khai has been relaxing. Last night we had a storm and some heavy rain which cooled the place down a bit but it is still very humid. We went and had our free breakfast at the hotel restaurant on the terrace and watched the morning traffic of cars, buses, motorbikes and Tuk Tuks fly past going about there daily routine. We came back to our room and Rick did his usual computer hogging and I had a shower and got ready to go out and about. Rick and I walked for hours through the city and even found the bus station where we will catch the bus to Udon Thani on Thursday. It is a huge city and even found some more markets next to the bus station. We walked and walked and walked until we ended up on the esplanade along the Mekong River. I took heaps of photos of the river and the fishing boats going up and down and across the river to Laos. There are heaps of Buddhist temples and many monks walking around the city. Had lunch at the hotel restaurant and then caught a Tuk Tuk through the other side of the city and up to the 'Friendship' bridge which connects Thailand to Laos.

Its amazing how these people live like they do, they work long hours, some just live in humpy's on the sides of the road and yet they are humble, happy and friendly people. Most of them have nice cars or motorbikes and it cracks up me when they carry a whole family on one motorbike, babies and all, or they ride along the street talking on mobile phones or holding umbrellas over their heads because its raining, no helmets, no road rules. I have to say though that their streets are always clean because they are always sweeping them, theres no agro or angst and everyone is just happy and humble. We in the western world could learn a thing or two from them.

We are having a quiet night again tonight, dinner at hotel restaurant and maybe a walk around, looks like rain again and maybe a storm. We are really enjoying the peacefullness of this city. Until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

try DI DI restaurant, easy to find, and check out www.udonmap.com for udon info

kezza said...

hey guys, sounds like you are having a wicked time - so glad you are taking it easy & actually having a holiday with all the travelling